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Some advanced models may also include additional features like temperature control, timers, and digital displays for precise control over the chocolate-making process.

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Not only will good heavy molds make your chocolate look more professional and like "real chocolate" (looks around) they will make the important step of molding and unmolding much easier. You want good heavy molds. Trust us.

Then run enough tests on their machines with your own recipe in order to make a qualified final decision.

Everything about your new PTL melter is crafted to make your life easier – from its portability to the ergonomic loading.

Using cocoa beans instead of cocoa powder in chocolate production is an option, but ball mills do derece provide efficient results in grinding raw materials thicker than 1.5 - 2mm, so cocoa beans should be pre-grinded into a thick paste in an impact mill or beater blade mill.

The Refiner has 2 product outlets – the lower part by screw conveyor and the upper part by pump (recirculation system). The machine is available in 3 models, which will allow all types of manufacturers to use the machine for different purposes.

g. refiners1. It is also known, that operation is relatively noisy. An advantage is that batch sizes between 45kg and 5t are possible, which means a lot of flexibility for smaller companies.

Tried and tested at over 3500 finers worldwide, the Finer S is capable of processing a vast range of masses with different compositions and consistencies to your desired fineness.

With ProfiNet, ABEthernet and WLAN interfaces, you güç run and monitor your refining process from smart mobile devices. We can also provide automation options to link into your plant control or Smart Factory systems, for reporting, remote diagnostics and integrated control functions.

After that the mass is liquefied by adding cocoa butter and then ground by circulation through a horizontal ball mill. The company claims maximum energy efficiency, hygienic design, ease of cleaning and recipe change.

So in practice, chocolate makers will always have to negotiate individually with suppliers. This paper will provide an introduction to the possibilities on the market.

Keep the chocolate flowing and ready whenever you need it with a melting tank. Specifically designed to maintain a constant supply of melted chocolate, we have melting tanks available in various tank capacities from both Selmi and Massa.

The revolutionary design delivers instant melting and continuous process supply to increase downstream production CHOCOLATE PREPARATION KITCHEN EQUIPMENT without large

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